Friday, September 15, 2017

*School Mass on Monday (9:30am-Grade 8s hosting)
*Terry Fox - Pledge form went home (due Thursday, Sept. 21)
     Online pledges- CLICK HERE
(Red & White Terry Fox Spirit/Run Day next THURSDAY, SEPT. 21)

*Gr. 7 - Immunization forms due by MONDAY....all forms must be reviewed and signed
*SCS Spirit Wear Order forms  (due Friday, Sept. 22)
*Gr. 8 - Stratford Trip forms and $ due by Monday, September 25
Homework-all due the next school day unless otherwise noted

TESTBOOKS - Gr. 7:  Math - 1.1 and 1.3 Math Key assessments 
Corrections + Parent Signature required by MONDAY

1.)Language/Media Literacy - Do Cellphones Belong in Schools?
Assignment - Rough Copy due Friday (Work periods Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
(Copy of the Assignment, Rubric, Persuasive Exemplar are all on the padlet)

2.)Math (Gr. 7): Due MONDAY(Powers):  1.5 TB:  9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17
             (Gr. 8): 

3.)History: Canada's Sesquicentennial..
Should be already compete...due MONDAY: complete pp. 6-7 (Photograph study)

4.)Francais (Mme. Kulnys-Douglas):  3 phrases (Français)/10 faits (anglais)

5.) Science: Gr. 7: Ecosystems...Read TB - pp. 6-10, complete pg. 10, #1-4 (due THURSDAY)
                     Gr. 8:  Cell Theory....three questions + crossword  (due WEDNESDAY)

6.)Health/Media Literacy - Social Smarts-questions 1-11 due MONDAY

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