Monday, September 25, 2017

*WE DAY FORMS...due  by Wednesday

HOMEWORK-due the next school day unless otherwise noted

this week - Gr. 7:  Math- 1.4/Divisibility & 1.5/Powers  & 1.6/1/7 Key Assessments 
Corrections + Parent Signature required by MONDAY

1.)Language/Media Literacy - Do Cellphones Belong in Schools?
Assignment -FINAL Copy due FRIDAY (Work periods Tomorrow  and Wednesday)

(Copy of the Assignment, Rubric, Persuasive Exemplar are all on the padlet)

2.)Math (Gr. 7 and 8): Chapter 1 Test on TOMORROW  
3.)History: Why study History Questions- Brainstorming (copy of handout on the padlet) 
                       i)Why do you think we study history? 
                       ii) Is it important to study history? Why AND Why not? 

4.)Francais (Mme. Kulnys-Douglas):   Keep your journal up to date
5.) Science: Gr. 7: Ecosystems..Test next week - THURSDAY
                              (vocabulary, identify abiotic/biotic elements, interactions, application)
                     Gr. 8: TEST on Characteristics of Livings Things/Cell Theory on WEDNESDAY

6.)Health/Media Literacy 

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