Tuesday, September 5, 2017

2015/09/05 - First day of School :) 

Homework-all due tomorrow unless otherwise noted

1.)Find/bookmark this blog (www.sc78s.blogspot.ca)

2.)Math (Gr. 7): First three pages of the math handout (copies on the padlet below)
               (Gr. 8): Problem Solving Question

3.)Art:  All About Me Glyph 

a.) Classroom expectations/rules...form to be signed by both students and parents due A.S.A.P.
b. )Office forms: Info, Permission, Internet due A.S.A.P.
c. )Kleenex box: Students whose last name begins with A-M due by next Monday
d. )Roll of paper towels: Students whose last name begins with N-Z due by next Monday

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,

This blog will be used in conjunction with the student agenda as another method of communication.  Homework, upcoming tests and assignments will be posted on this site regularly.  Make sure the blog is checked daily, and don’t forget to bookmark this page.  

Students will still need to use the homework board for the most accurate information and to ensure they have all the necessary notebooks and textbooks before going home.   The homework board will also need to be used for any homework tests or assignments from other teachers, as the blog may not have the updated information.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for your continued support.


Ms. Ferreira
Made with Padlet