Friday, October 27, 2017

Tuesday's Hallowe'en Events
Morning: Hallowe'en Parade + In-class movie with treats
Afternoon: Dance + Media Hour 

*GRADE 8s:  
High school application forms ....due November 2nd, but if you can, please hand them in by Monday....if you or your parents need help...please let me know.

*GRADE 7 and 8s:
HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSES......Wednesday (Nov. 1):  Bishop Allen @ 7pm
HOMEWORK-due the next school day unless otherwise noted

Gr.  7s: Canada 150 Descriptive Paragraph, 2.5 & 2.6 Math Test, French Project (rubric)

Gr. 8s:  Canada 150 Descriptive Paragraph, History-Agents of Change, Science-Animal/Plant  Cell Test, French project (rubric)

1.)Math (Gr. 7):  Decimal computations package
Review your corrections from Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying Decimals,
Division of Multiples, Whole Numbers, Decimals, Converting Fractions to Terminating Decimals  and Word Problems due TOMORROW (pp. 1-12)
Decimal Order of Operations (pg. 13) due MONDAY
*EXTRA Practise Order of Operations due WEDNESDAY (practise as much as you need to)
2.6 WB computations + decimal computations TEST on THURSDAY
                (Gr. 8):    Get test signed (in your assessment folder)/review sheet

Gr. 7 -New France - Historical Monologue Assignment....Use the Historical Content Success Criteria to begin researching your assigned Historical Figure....No changes after WEDNESDAY
(work periods on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday)
Research and begin writing your 30 second - 1 minute Monologue.
Monologues to be presented the week of November 13.
Gr. 8  -
*Advertising Confederation Project
First step:  Research and Complete all the Five Factors (pushing colonies to confederation) by MONDAY 

3.)Francais (Mme. Kulnys-Douglas):   Website:
              Workbook page 8 - A, keep journal up to date/Get project rubric signed
4.) Science: Gr. 7: Review/Correct all homework...use the answer sheet
 Make Study notes for Ch. 1 TEST(Monday, Oct. 30)...use the study guide  given (last study period TOMORROW)

                     Gr. 8: s-Get Animal/Plant Test signed (in testbook)

5.)Religion for the Week 
 * for those students that are being confirmed....write down 3-5 reasons why you are being confirmed and/or why you want to be confirmed  (Because my parents want me to is not a reasons...think, why do your parents want you to be confirmed)...complete by MONDAY

6.)Health---Online Safety....(Activity 3 was handed in today)
Activity 4 Know Your Rights....STUDY/UNDERSTAND....test on Monday, November 6
a) What you always have the right to
b)What to do if somebody is being mean to you online
c)What to do if somebody posts a photo of you without your permission
d)Ways you can help a friend in an unhealthy relationship

7. Music - Practise music pieces-12 & 14

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