Thursday, November 2, 2017

*POST HALLOWE'EN HARD CANDY DRIVE...benefitting Canadian Food for Children
(Please bring in any Hard Candy by TOMORROW - NO powdered candy (rockets, gob stoppers, powdery lollipops), gum, chocolate or chips please)

*Parent/Teacher Interview Time Requests went home with youngest and only on Tuesday

*GRADE 8s:  
*Quebec Trip...First Deposit of $100 + $51 insurance (if applicable) due TUESDAY, NOV. 7   (Tour Web Code 2157502)
*After 8 and Transition Guide for Parents went home on Monday
*Michael Power IB
*Father Redmond CAP and RAP
*Bishop Allen CAP

HOMEWORK-due the next school day unless otherwise noted

1.  Language - WONDER...Bring in a copy of the novel if you have it
*Full novel and Part 1 of the Literary Log on the padlet
a)Finish Vocabulary initial assessment
b)Draw Caricature (on front page of Literary Log)
c)Complete Literary Log for novel pp. 1-5 (three questions) 

2.)Math (Gr. 7):  Ch. 3  - Data Management..Check to see if at home, you have Microsoft Excel, iNumbers and/or Google Sheets (online just like Google docs) +
Complete Workbook 3.1 and 3.2  - due TOMORROW
                (Gr. 8):    

Gr. 7 -New France - Historical Monologue Assignment....Use the Historical Content Success Criteria to begin researching your assigned Historical Figure.
(work period next TUESDAY)
Research and begin writing your 30 second - 1 minute Monologue.
Monologues to be presented the week of November 13.
Gr. 8  -
*Advertising Confederation Project
First step:  Research and Complete all the Five Factors (pushing colonies to confederation) Should already be done.
Second step:  Work on your advertising should finish your display by Friday, Nov. 10
Third Step: Week of Nov. 13 - Practise your presentations
Fourth Step:  Week of Nov. 20 - Project Presentations.

4.)Francais (Mme. Kulnys-Douglas):   Website:
              Le Passé Composé handout - both sides...due TOMORROW
5.) Science: Gr. 7: Read TB: pp. 38-40, 42-43 and 46-47 + Complete Ecosystems Package due next THURSDAY (Workperiod TOMORROW)
                     Gr. 8: Complete Ch. 2 Package (all four pages - due TOMORROW)

6.)Religion for the Week 
 * for those students that are being confirmed....write down 3-5 reasons why you are being confirmed and/or why you want to be confirmed  (Because my parents want me to is not a reasons...think, why do your parents want you to be confirmed)...complete by MONDAY

7.)Health---Online Safety....(Activity 3 was handed in today)
Activity 4 Know Your Rights....STUDY/UNDERSTAND....test on MONDAY
a)What you always have the right to
b)What to do if somebody is being mean to you online
c)What to do if somebody posts a photo of you without your permission
d)Ways you can help a friend in an unhealthy relationship

8. )Music - Practise music pieces-12 & 14 + Hot Cross Buns

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