Tuesday, January 30, 2018

*Music and Coding Tomorrow
*Note re: Grade 7 Overnight Trip Parent Meeting went home today (Meeting on Feb. 26 @6pm)

*Shrove Tuesday (Gr. 8 Pancake Fundraiser) 
Order forms due by FRIDAY
Gr. 7 and Gr. 8 Parent Volunteers needed for Tuesday, Feb. 13/Shrove Tuesday 


HOMEWORK-due the next school day unless otherwise noted

TESTBOOKS (always have at school and always get signed by Monday)
Last week: Wonder Literary Logs, 7History-Loyalists Test, 7 History-Fall of New France handout, 8History-Western Canada & Louis Riel,  7Math-Ch.5  Measurement Test

1.)Language/Geography/Art:  California Wild Fires (copy on the padlet)
*Follow Detailed Directions to finish the Mapping Assignment (most of you started it in class using the Atlas....Anaheim can be found on the padlet map.  
Update: Carson City is the capital of Nevada (not Lake Tahoe) ...PLEASE HAND IN BY TOMORROW

2.)Math (Gr. 7):  Integers (Number sense and Numeration) -Textbook on the padlet
 6.5 WB Completed and taken up in class today  (6.3 & 6.4 KA written today)
(no calculators permitted - use your notebook for calculations)

Due TOMORROW:  6.5TB 9-12 + Due THURSDSAY: MCR 8, 12

3.) Science - 
Gr. 7s: Subtances/Mixtures/Solutions - Read Ch. 4 Textbook (pp. 96-117) and Ch. 5(pp. 120-139)  by TOMORROW           
Gr. 8s:  Fluids - Read Ch. 4 -Textbook: pp. 106-126  by TOMORROW

4.)Francais (Mme. Kulnys-Douglas):   Website: http://mmekulnysdouglas.weebly.com/
  Complete Page 2 and 3 of your video game

5.) Health/Anti-Bullying: BEING AN UPSTANDER
*Page 1/word web using "UPSTANDER and page 2 should have been completed in class 
*Review pages 3 and 4....BEGIN ASSIGNMENT BY VIEWING/LISTENING TO THE FOLLOWING PLAYLIST www.etiqit.com/qit8playlist and choose ONE SONG BY MONDAY...remember-you must view the lyrics as well
Password:  helplessness       

6.) Fully Alive - Living in Relationship (Theme 2)
Gr.7s and 8s - read on to the end of Theme 2 

7.) Religion -Virtue of Courage.. Take a look at your answer to the fourth reflection question....Now that we've discussed the Bystander Effect, how can you incorporate it that into your answer to " What are ways we can show courage in our daily lives? Brainstorm a list of specific examples".

8.)Music...Practise "Let's Go Band" and "Midnight Mission"

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