Tuesday, January 9, 2018


*Confirmation....first anointed workshop this SUNDAY 
                            (specific details on the padlet)
*Subway on Jan. 18 (forms due Friday)
*Family Skating night on Sun, Jan. 14 - flyer went home with youngest

HOMEWORK-due the next school day unless otherwise noted

TESTBOOKS (always have at school and always get signed by Monday)
Returned this week:  8Science-Ch. 13,  7Math - Ch. 4 Test, 7&8 Media Literacy/Religion-Advent vs Christmas, 7&8Art - Zentangles

*Music Tomorrow & Thursday

1. Language - 
New Year's Resolutions (Copy on the padlet):
*Complete your First Draft (all paragraphs)-Hand Written-by Thursday
*Thursday and Friday...you can begin typing out/revising your first draft
*Monday...Be Ready to Peer-Edit your Essay

2.)Math (Gr. 7):  
*Get Ch. 4 test signed
Chapter 5 Measurement - Copy of textbook on the padlet :)
Carefully Review/Correct - Complete 5.1 (Parallelograms) TB:  Complete 5, 8, 12, 14
Due WEDNESDAY: 5.2 (Triangles) WB
Due THURSDAY: 5.2 TB: 7, 9 10, 11, 13
Due FRIDAY: Complete 5.4 WB (Trapezoids)
Key Assessment on 5.1 & 5.2  (at lunch on Monday for anyone absent)

Gr. 7 (Ch. 4)-The Loyalists - C-E due THURSDAY

Gr. 8 (Ch. 6)- Louis Riel - Part II - 
-Short answer due TOMORROW 
-Longer Answer to be worked on TOMORROW and THURSDAY

4.)Francais (Mme. Kulnys-Douglas):   Website: http://mmekulnysdouglas.weebly.com/
                               Finish writing out the numbers (that were on the board) in expanded form   
                               Page 24, BLM - 14 due TOMORROW
                               5.) Science: Gr. 7:  
                     Gr. 8:  Get Ch. 13 test signed

5.) Fully Alive - Living in Relationship (Theme 2)
Gr. 7s ...read up to page 47
Gr. 8s....read up to page 48

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