Wednesday, January 17, 2018


*Shrove Tuesday (Gr. 8 Pancake Fundraiser) 
                                Order forms went home Monday with Grade 7s(due Feb. 2)

HOMEWORK-due the next school day unless otherwise noted

TESTBOOKS (always have at school and always get signed by Monday)

1. Language - 
New Year's Resolutions (Copy on the padlet):
(hand in:  Your written draft(s), peer-edited version and TWO copies of your FINAL essay)

*Bee Package due next Wednesday (does not apply to students @ Gifted)

2.)Math (Gr. 7):  
*Get Ch. 4 test signed
Chapter 5 Measurement - Copy of textbook on the padlet :)
Due TOMORROW- Ch. Self-Test (pg. 179): 3,4,6 & Ch. Review (pg. 181) 4, 6a
MONDAY(Jan. 22): Ch. 5 TEST

Gr. 7 (Ch. 4)-The Loyalists - Review your answers to A-E (These are your study notes)
*Review videos on the padlet:  United Empire Loyalists and Black Loyalists' History
Loyalist vs Patriots, Iroquois Loyalists Prezis (2 of them)

                     The Loyalists TEST - TOMORROW  (Review your notes, Jillian's Notes and the Note on Who were the Loyalists on the padlet)
Gr. 8 (Ch. 6)- 

4.)Francais (Mme. Kulnys-Douglas):   Website:
on WEDNESDAY: Assignment/Presentation about your partner

5.) Science/Geography: Workshop Reflection questions due
(Most of you completed it in class)

6.) Fully Alive - Living in Relationship (Theme 2)
Gr.7s and 8s - read on to the end of Theme 2 by next TUESDAY

7.) Religion -Virtue of Courage...Complete What is Courage and the four Reflection Questions (answer in your Religion notebook)...due TOMORROW (copy on the padlet)

8.)Music...Practise "Let's Go Band"

9.)Visual Arts - Work on your 2018 New Year's Resolutions Picture-due MONDAY, the 22nd
(Coloured in pencil crayon and outlined in black)

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