Monday, February 12, 2018

*REPORT CARDS WENT HOME TODAY (along with your report card analysis)

*WE'RE LOW ON KLEENEX and PAPERTOWELS...PLEASE bring in one of these A.S.A.P.  (Thank you Daniella, for being the first!)

HOMEWORK-due the next school day unless otherwise noted

TESTBOOKS THIS WEEK (always have at school and always get signed by Monday)
last week:  Term 2:  7History - American Revolution   8History: Significant Canadians, 7Math - 6.5&MCR  and 6.6 Key Assessment

1.)Religion...Shrove Tuesday...Answer the following on the Shrove Tuesday handout:  What am I going to give up for Lent?
What am I going to give up some of time for, during Lent?

2.)The PyeongChang Olympics -  Complete the News Photo (inner and outer dialogue)-
Video of Virtue and Moir (Olympic Journey) on the padlet and found here:

2018 Olympics package...complete page 3 & 4 by Wednesday

Grade 7s:  Complete War of 1812-Essay - please hand in by Thursday if you didn't hand it in  today
Grade 8s:  Work on your Inquiry Topic Project-Begin Working on your presentation....aim to have it complete by Thursday, February 15..presentations begin Wednesday, February 21st.

4.)Math (Gr. 7):  Integers (Number sense and Numeration) -Textbook on the padlet
(no calculators permitted - use your notebook for calculations)
 CORRECTED TODAY:  Self-test:  6, 9, 10  and Ch. Review: 5-8, 10-11
Ch. 6 Test TOMORROW  (extra practice - workbook - test yourself)

Math (Gr. 8:)   Handouts....Equations and Relationships and Representing Pattern Relationships (Based on 8.2 TB)(pictures on the padlet

5.) Science - 
Gr. 7s: Pure Substances &Mixtures- 
Ch. 4 Science Test on THURSDAY (study guide given out last Thursday)

Gr. 8s: Fluids - (Viscosity)  Ch. 4 Package #2 (4-15, 4-16, 4-17) taken up today
 (Density) Ch. 5 Package - Density Calculations due WEDNESDAY

6.)Francais (Mme. Kulnys-Douglas):   Website:

7.) Health: 
*Bullying in the Media/Song...Project...due next week (no more work periods)

8.)Music...Practise "Let's Go Band", "Midnight Mission" and "Star Wars"

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