Monday, February 5, 2018

*SUBWAY (Feb. 15) orders went home today...due FRIDAY 

Shrove Tuesday (Gr. 8 Pancake Fundraiser) 
Gr. 7 and Gr. 8 Parent Volunteers needed for Tuesday, Feb. 13/Shrove Tuesday 

*Me 2 We Ambassadors:  WEeting at lunch recess TOMORROW

HOMEWORK-due the next school day unless otherwise noted

TESTBOOKS THIS WEEK (always have at school and always get signed by Monday)
last week:  Term 1: New Year's Resolutions, Term 2: 7Math - 6.1 KA and 6.3&6.4 KA
This week:  Term 2:  7History - American Revolution   8History: Significant Canadians

1.)Religion...Virtue of Love- 7 Reflection Questions due Wednesday (on padlet)

Grade 7s:  Complete War of 1812 -package #2--page 5(3 questions)- due TOMORROW
Grade 8s:  Work on your Inquiry Topic Project-Research due by FRIDAY

3.)Math (Gr. 7):  Integers (Number sense and Numeration) -Textbook on the padlet
(no calculators permitted - use your notebook for calculations)
TODAY:  6.5 & Mid-Chapter Key Assessment 
DUE TOMORROW:  6.6 TB 5, 6, 11 (2 videos on the padlet)
DUE WEDNESDAY: 6.6 TB 12, 16, 17, 18  (you may use the Add the Opposite Rule for #17 and 18) sure to observe the headings in the table (Day 2 - Day 1)
THURSDAY: 6.6 Key Assessment

4.) Science - 
Gr. 7s: Pure Subtances &Mixtures- 
Complete Package  #2 (BLM4-13, 4-14, 4-19, 4-22) - due THURSDAY 
Answer sheet to package #1 given out today

Gr. 8s: Fluids -  Complete Ch. 4 Package #2 (4-15, , 4-16, 4-17) due WEDNESDAY
Answers to Package #1 taken up and given out today

5.)Francais (Mme. Kulnys-Douglas):   Website:
  Work on  your video game project

*Review pages 3 and 4....BEGIN ASSIGNMENT BY VIEWING/LISTENING TO THE FOLLOWING PLAYLIST and choose ONE SONG BY MONDAY...remember-you must view the lyrics as well
Password:  helplessness       

*Bullying in the Media/Song...Project...due the week of February 20 (work period tomorrow 2:30-3:30 and Wednesday

*Pages 3 & 4 were discussed and  taken up today
*Complete QIT 2.4 HANDOUT....due THURSDAY  (copy on the padlet)

7.)Music...Practise "Let's Go Band", "Midnight Mission" and "Star Wars"

Made with Padlet