Thursday, February 15, 2018

*PA DAY tomorrow - no School
*Happy Family Day on Monday! - no School

*REPORT CARDS WENT HOME MONDAY...(along with your report card analysis)
please return a completed and signed (by both you and your parents) last page portion.


*WE'RE LOW ON KLEENEX and PAPERTOWELS...PLEASE bring in one of these A.S.A.P.  (Thank you to Daniella, Joy, Meghan, Celia, and Hannah T.,  for being the first to bring them in!)

*MANY THANKS TO ALL THE GRADE 7 and 8 STUDENTS AND THE PARENTS OF David, Luca, Angelica, Damian, Jillian, and Nathan who assisted with our Pancake Day!  Shout out to Ryan and Izzy T., for bringing in extra supplies as well.  Check out some pictures

HOMEWORK-due the next school day unless otherwise noted

TESTBOOKS THIS WEEK (always have at school and always get signed by Monday)
last week:  Term 2:  7History - American Revolution   8History: Significant Canadians, 7Math - 6.5&MCR  and 6.6 Key Assessment

1.)Religion...Continue fulfilling your Lenten Promises
 What am I going to give up for Lent?
What am I going to give up some of time for, during Lent?

2.)The PyeongChang Olympics - 
2018 Olympics package...complete pages 5 & 6  by TUESDAY
(Page 5...use this link:
(Page 6...What do you think? full answer...use this link:
 or the handout given out in class (on the padlet)

Day 5 Highlights Video
Day 4 Highlights Video

Grade 7s:  Complete War of 1812-Essay - please hand in by TOMORROW if you didn't hand it in  today (remember to hand it in with your self-assessed rubric)

Grade 8s:  Work on your Inquiry Topic Project-Begin Working on your presentation....aim to have it complete by Thursday, February 15..presentations begin Wednesday, February 21st.

4.)Math (Gr. 7):  Geometry - Transformations
DUE TUESDAY:  7.2 TRANSLATIONS Worksheet (handout on the padlet)...copy of today's blackboard lesson on the padlet

DUE WEDNESDAY:  7.2 TB:  7, 8*, 9*, 13, 14, 15  (Textbook on the padlet)
(For 8, 9..just use the translation need to copy and draw the figures)
(For 13 and 15 use the same cartesian grid for all three figures in each sure to label the vertices correctly (A' A'' A''') to reflect each translation

5.) Science - 
Gr. 7s: Solutions 
      Ch. 5 - Complete Science Package (you'll need your textbook)--due THURSDAY

Gr. 8s: Fluids - (Viscosity)  Ch. 4 Package #2 (4-15, 4-16, 4-17) taken up today
 (Density) Ch. 5 Package - Density Calculations  taken up TODAY
Viscosity and Density (Ch. 4 & 5) test in TWO WEEKS

6.)Francais (Mme. Kulnys-Douglas):   Website:

7.) Health: 
*Bullying in the Media/Song...Project...
presentations begin on February 26--that's in TWO WEEKS (one week extension given to all)...Happy Family Day
(work periods next Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 2:30-3:30)

8.)Music...Practise "Let's Go Band", "Midnight Mission" and "Star Wars"

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