Tuesday, April 3, 2018

HOMEWORK-due the next school day unless otherwise noted

Grade 7s: Practise the Apostles Creed in preparation for the Third Anointed Misson (April 15)

2.)Language - CAPE TOWN'S WATER CRISIS-Study both articles...make study notes...TEST on THURSDAY 
*work on your Water Sources mini-project- presentations continue TOMORROW
Think about your use of water every day...

4.)Math-ALGEBRA (copies of TB on the padlet)
   Self-Test:  1-6 + Ch. Review 1,2,3,6 due TOMORROW
   Ch. 8 test on FRIDAY
5.)Francais (Mme. Arduini): translation page was due 

6.)Music...  Practise "Let's Go Band",  and "Star Wars" and  "My Heart Will Go On" and new one:  "Sawmill CREEK"  a test..sometime in MAY
