Thursday, May 3, 2018

Grade 7s:  This Friday, please arrive in the Parish Hall between 8:30am - 8:50am.
  You will be signing in, measured for your Confirmation Gown and there will be some breakfast munchies for you.   Dress code is comfortable clothing  (Lunch is also provided :))
The Retreat Team - HOPESTONE - begins the retreat PROMPTLY at 9:00 am
(Please bring a note from home if you are permitted to walk home once the retreat ends, otherwise we will back to school, and you will be dismissed at 3:30pm)

*Gr. 8s...You will have French first thing, then Mme. Arduini will disperse you to your appropriate classroom.   Please bring your devices and Earphones/buds to watch TWO short (12 minute max)videos- no other social media please!!!!

*JUMP ROPE FOR HEART PLEDGE ENVELOPES WENT HOME LAST WEEK due by MAY 23 (Jump Day)  online click HERE:     or register at

*Gr. 7s...please begin collecting any odd buttons-various sizes and colour, but no larger than a quarter (needed for Art the week of May 14)

*Yearbook orders due May 18 ($25)

1.)Religion - Virtue of Compassion
*Glue in the Compassion handout
*Answer the three Reflection Questions in your Religion notebook

2.)Science:  Testing Water Quality Investigation -
Complete the entire Water Quality Investigation package....due THURSDAY
(workperiods on Monday and Tuesday)

3.)7Math-Geometry and Spatial Sense (Textbook copies on the padlet)
*Complete 10.2 TB:  5-9, 10a and 11 (which net will make the polyhedron)

4.)Francais (Mme. Arduini):  Review le crédo (Apostles Creed) en Francais (hint hint)

5.)Fully Alive:  Gr.7s: Theme Three:  Created Sexual - 
*Complete Worksheet #3....due MONDAY

6.)Music...  Practise "Let's Go Band",  and "Star Wars" and  "My Heart Will Go On" and new one:  SAW MILL CREEK TEST:  Gr.8s on May 10 and Gr. 7s on May 17

7.) Hand-Op-Art -...due MONDAY for both grades
