Tuesday, June 12, 2018

CITY CHAMPIONSHIP ON THURSDAY...congrats to Hannah, Joy and Vanessa

*Grade 8s:  Post grad letter due by Monday *Grade 7s: SUBWAY ORDERS due by Friday

*Grade 7s and 8s:  Visual Arts Saturday School at Father John Redmond info sheet went home
                                 (Advance Credit)

Grade 7s: Ch. 12 Key Assessments 12.2 & 12.3 (in your math handout duotangs)

Grade 8s:  That was then, this is now...full book test (if you had your testbook signed)

1.)7&8 Language - Literary Devices - Interactive Dictionary
*Thank you to all of those that handed it in by today

2.)7Language (Reading)- The Outsiders
Fakebook: due Monday (you may hand it in earlier)

8Language (Reading)-That Was Then, This is Now
Fakebook: due Monday (you may hand it in earlier)

3.)7Math- Ch. 12 Probability (textbook pages on the padlet)

Complete Mid-Chapter 2,3,4,6 due TOMORROW
Thursday - Mid-Chapter Test
Due Friday: 12.4 #8, 9

5.)Francais (Mme. Arduini):  