Monday, October 23, 2017


*GRADE 8s:  Quebec Trip info night.... TOMORROW at 6pm (gym) 🚌
                         Highschool application forms went home TODAY....due November 2nd, but if you can, please hand them in by Monday....if you or your parents need help...please let me know.

*GRADE 7 and 8s:
HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSES......Wednesday: Father John Redmond @ 6:30pm
                                                                Thursday:  Michael Power @ 7pm (doors open @ 6)

*Good luck to Cross-Country City finalists tomorrow:  Hannah, Vanessa, Ryan 
HOMEWORK-due the next school day unless otherwise noted


1.)Math (Gr. 7):  Decimal computations package
Complete Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying Decimals (pages 1-4) due  TOMORROW
Division of Multiples, Whole Numbers, Decimals  (pages 5-8) due THURSDAY
Converting Fractions to Terminating Decimals  Word Problems due FRIDAY (pp 9-12)
Decimal Order of operations (pg. 13) due MONDAY

                (Gr. 8):    Chapter 2 - Self-test (TB: Page 83, #1-3, 5, 8-10, 12,14
                                 Test TOMORROW
                  finding the number method from the board on the padlet)

2.)History: Gr. 7 - Review History Video Clip answers
                                Complete Canadian Settlement Objects Chart - due TOMORROW
                   Gr. 8  - Agents of Change Handout...due TOMORROW
                   (specific details on the handout given)
                   Complete Politics in the Province of Canada - platforms - due WEDNESDAY

3.)Francais (Mme. Kulnys-Douglas):   Website:
                                                   Expressions avec "avoir"
4.) Science: Gr. 7: Review/Correct all homework...use the answer sheet
                               Make Study notes for Ch. 1 TEST(Monday, Oct. 30)...use the study guide given (study periods next Thursday and Friday)

                     Gr. 8: The Cell/Plant vs Animal Cell Test WEDNESDAY

5.)Religion for the Week 
 * for those students that are being confirmed....write down 3-5 reasons why you are being confirmed and/or why you want to be confirmed  (Because my parents want me to is not a reasons...think, why do your parents want you to be confirmed)...complete by MONDAY

6.)Health---Online Safety....Activity 3...Getting Help ..should be complete already...Health continues tomorrow

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