*MASS on MONDAY (9:30 am - led by Mrs. Wilson's Class)
HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSES......Wednesday: Father John Redmond @ 6:30pm
Thursday: Michael Power @ 7pm (doors open @ 6)
*GRADE 8s: Quebec Trip info night...next week - Tuesday at 6pm (gym) 🚌
*Congratulations to Celia, Natalia, Hannah, Angelica, and Isabella T @ their Volleyball tournament today 🌟
HOMEWORK-due the next school day unless otherwise noted
TESTBOOKS - Grade 7s: 2.3 Key Assessment and History - timeline test
1.)Math (Gr. 7):
Carefully Correct/Review: 2.3 KA test (this is in your testbook)
2.5 and 2.6 TEST on MONDAY for those students that missed it today
(Gr. 8): Chapter 2 - Self-test (TB: Page 83, #1-3, 5, 8-10, 12,14
finding the number method from the board on the padlet)
2.)History: Gr. 7 - Timeline Re-test MONDAY, for a couple of you
Gr. 8 - Textbook - Pg. 23 Class discussion questions...be prepared for MONDAY
Agents of Change Handout...due TUESDAY
(specific details on the handout given)
3.)Francais (Mme. Kulnys-Douglas): Website: http://mmekulnysdouglas.weebly.com/
Expressions avec "avoir"
4.) Science: Gr. 7: Review/Correct all homework...use the answer sheetExpressions avec "avoir"
Make Study notes for Ch. 1 TEST(Monday, Oct. 30)...use the study guide given (study periods next Thursday and Friday)
Gr. 8: The Cell/Plant vs Animal Cell Test next WEDNESDAY
5.)Religion for the Week (see your handout)...due MONDAY
+ for those students that are being confirmed....write down 3-5 reasons why you are being confirmed and/or why you want to be confirmed (Because my parents want me to is not a reasons...think, why do your parents want you to be confirmed(
6.)Health---Online Safety....Activity 3...Getting Help ..due MONDAY