Thursday, October 19, 2017

                                 GET (Kenyan) GIRLS TO GRADUATION

*GRADE 7s:   Confirmation Meeting is TONIGHT at the church - 7pm  🙏
*GRADE 8s:  Quebec Trip info week - Tuesday at 6pm (gym) 🚌

*Congratulations to Hannah, Vanessa, Ryan, Scottie and Josh who completed in Cross-Country Regionals TODAY 🏃🙌
*Good luck to Celia, Natalia, Hannah, Angelica, and Isabella T @ their Volleyball tournament tomorrow 🌟
HOMEWORK-due the next school day unless otherwise noted


1.)Reading: The Invisible Girl - In-class Language assessment

2.)Math (Gr. 7):  
Carefully Correct/Review: 2.5 TB, 2.6 TB and 2.6 WB#1 and 2
2.5 and 2.6 TEST TOMORROW
                (Gr. 8):    finding the number method from the board on the padlet)

3.)History: Gr. 7 - Timeline Re-test TOMORROW, for a few of you)

                   Gr. 8 - Textbook - Pg. 23 Class discussion prepared for MONDAY
                               Agents of Change Handout...due TUESDAY
                               (specific details on the handout given)

4.)Francais (Mme. Kulnys-Douglas):   Website:
                                                   *Sports-BLM 1-devoirs
5.) Science: Gr. 7: 1)Correct Photosynthesis page..see chart(on padlet) and pg. 26, #1-3a-d (handout)
                               2)Review Biomes Info page
                               3)Complete pg. 32, #1
                               4) Complete pg. 34, # 1,2,4,8-11
                               5)Complete pg. 35, Pause and Reflect #1
                                DUE TOMORROW

                     Gr. 8: The Cell/Plant vs Animal Cell Test next WEDNESDAY

6.)Religion for the Week (see your handout)...due MONDAY

7.)Health---Online Safety....Activity 3...Getting Help ..due MONDAY

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