Monday, November 20, 2017

*WONDER trip.......form and $ due TOMORROW (forms went home last Wednesday)
#choose kind

*QSP Goal Attained!!!!! Thank you to all of those that participated

*Gr. 8 GRADUATION MASS IS NOW ON THURSDAY, JUNE 21st (100% Confirmed) @6pm

HOMEWORK-due the next school day unless otherwise noted
7&8Health/Media Litereacy- Online Safety,  7Math: 3.4TB#6 Excel and 3.2-3.4KA-Test

1. Language - 
WONDER...Bring in a copy of the novel if you have it
*Full novel + Part 1 & 2 of the Literary Log on the padlet
*Complete Part Two-Via:  
  The Padawan Bites the Dust
  Out with the Old
  Trick or Treat 

2.)Math (Gr. 7):  Ch. 3  - 
*Complete 3.6 TB: Mean, Median
                               #4-6, 8-12             Gr. 8 Math - Worksheet-Patterning & Algebra

Gr. 7 -New France - Excellent Monologues this week
*Fill in and study all the New France Stations (yours and all the other groups) in your own package....Test on New France on Thursday, November 30
*Some diagrams below to assist you
Station 1 - Hierarchy - Royal Government
Station 2 - Seigneurial System

History-Gr. 8  
*Advertising Confederation Project -This Week- - Project Presentations

4.)Francais (Mme. Kulnys-Douglas):   Website:
                                    BLM 7B and BLM 8  - due MONDAY 
5.) Science: Gr. 7: Review answers to BLM 2-4, 2-13 and 2-18
              Complete How Organisms Interact (pp. TB:36-40), questions 1-5 on the handout
               due THURSDAY
                    Gr. 8:  Ch. 3 Package...Complete the rest of the pages by WEDNESDAY
                       (copies of all the handouts taken up today on the Gr. 8 Blackboard)

6.)Religion for the Week 
*Gr. 7s:  Please work on your Confirmation - Letters of Intent (Enrolment Ceremony is on Nov. 26) be presented this SUNDAY (November 26)...workperiod TOMORROW

7.)Fully by TOMORROW
Gr. 7:  Read pp. 1-29
Gr. 8:  Read pp. 3-28

8.)Health-"Becca Told Me to" - Copy on the Padlet
 Complete "On the Lines" and "Between the Lines" 
b) CBC:

9. )Music - Practise music pieces-12 & 14 + Hot Cross Buns

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