Tuesday, January 23, 2018


*Shrove Tuesday (Gr. 8 Pancake Fundraiser) 
                                Order forms went home last week with Grade 7s(due Feb. 2)

HOMEWORK-due the next school day unless otherwise noted

TESTBOOKS (always have at school and always get signed by Monday)
Wonder Literary Logs, 7History-Loyalists Test, 7 History-Fall of New France handout,
8History-Western Canada & Louis Riel

1. Language - 
*Who's Poisoning our Bees Package due TOMORROW (does not apply to students @ Gifted)
(Whomever used the blogger contact form to request posting the package online...please email me directly)

2.)Math (Gr. 7):  Integers (Number sense and Numeration) 
*Carefully Correct 6.1 WB and 6.1 TB: 4, 6,8,14,16,17  
6.1 Key Assessment TOMORROW 
Due Thursday: 6.3 WB  (watch video)


Gr. 7: American Revolution
1.)Complete - The Boston Tea Party & Intolerable Acts Questions - Due Friday
2.)Review the American Revolution Key Terms you made notes on (Loyalists, Thirteen Colonies, Sugar/Stamp/Townshend/Tea Acts)

  View the following videos as well:
 1.) Tea, Taxes and the American Revolution(10 mins):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLYOKe56LVlJQSZO5hYbaz6qe3PDGmEvhA&v=HlUiSBXQHCw
2.) Boston Tea Party(4 mins)

Gr. 8 Changing Society(1890-1914)
– Important Canadians Scavenger Hunt - Due TOMORROW (work period tomorrow)

4.)Francais (Mme. Kulnys-Douglas):   Website: http://mmekulnysdouglas.weebly.com/
  Assignment: Ma route personelle (This was due TODAY)

5.) Health/Anti-Bullying: BEING AN UPSTANDER
*Page 1/word web using "UPSTANDER and page 2 should have been completed in class 
*Complete pages 3 and 4...due next MONDAY

6.) Fully Alive - Living in Relationship (Theme 2)
Gr.7s and 8s - read on to the end of Theme 2 by TOMORROW

7.) Religion -Virtue of Courage.. Take a look at your answer to the fourth reflection question....Now that we've discussed the Bystander Effect, how can you incorporate it that into your answer toWhat are ways we can show courage in our daily lives? Brainstorm a list of specific examples".

8.)Music...Practise "Let's Go Band" and "Midnight Mission"

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